So instead of “Where have all the flowers gone?” we can ask where have all the dissenters gone? One of my favorite blogs, “Memory Hole” has seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth with no explanation, except that perhaps just maybe they got a little too close to the truth and therefore had to be eliminated from public view.  It’s ironic and sad that one of the places where I could confirm my feelings about the false flags going on and ruminate with fellow doubters of mainstream media is suddenly gone.  It’s almost like the election of Donald Trump has served some perverse service and now a new chapter of bullshit is just now beginning, one that won’t require dissenters? Hmm?

I felt this last election was some kind of huge cosmic joke on us, the American people. It’s obvious that there were really no sincere candidates out there and just like the movie “The Candidate” where Robert Redford just went in it to make a point and was promised he would not win, it seems like Donald Trump got bamboozled by the very same campaign manager. I can’t imagine in a million years that he actually WANTED to be president of the United States. I can only imagine someone in the background wooing him, assuring him, you’ll be able to make your point and then go back to “business as usual”.  I’m sure no one was more surprised than he was, that he was actually elected President of the United States of America.

I actually found myself feeling a little bit sorry for him, on election night.  He seemed genuinely overwhelmed and humbled (as he should be) by the prospect and asking for help in his acceptance speech.  Bernie Sanders who was a lovely dissenter, caved in and ended up supporting Hillary instead of doing what he should have done, which is fight to the bitter end for the Democratic nomination, but who knows? Maybe if he were younger, he would have done just that.

I think what American Politics needs right now is “new blood” and what I mean by that is people who are still optimistic about our collective future, people are more concerned with the future than with the state of the union as it is now.  We need young blood, young people who are not tired, jaded, exhausted of fighting the battle of good vs. evil and are the Davids who are willing to take on the Goliaths of Big Pharma, Big Oil, The Military Industrial Complex and all those who profit from misery instead of good.

I may not be young, but I am one of them, and I hope you will join me, too.

A lot of these false flag stories are continuing to propagate, so much so, I probably only will count the weather and sports and local events as real news anymore.

It’s relief not have to figure it all out, but at the same time, you have to wonder what happens with all the “players” in these events. The crisis actors.  First of all, I bet they don’t get paid a lot of money to do this, a lot of them are thinking of this as a “stepping stone” for their “big break”.

But what kind of “big break” could you get if you are all ready known to be the “grieving father” or the neighbor who saw something gets their 5 minutes of fame.  Take a look at this person for example:

First of all, if it’s someone who will be kidnapped, dead, or someone who will be just a footnote, ancillary to the main story, but not the main story (i.e. the wife, cousin, friend, etc.),  then you don’t even have to have a current picture of the person, you can use a past image o.f someone and that image may be 10 years old. That way it’s harder to trace, harder to figure out. The people can be composites of people, look familiar, but not too familiar.

What maddens me is the narrative has been made and every effort to bring the darkness to light, seems to get snuffed out. The false flags and misinformation lives on and on and will be written into the history books. It sickens me that my grandchildren will be taught this BS.

I used to spend a lot of my valuable time ruminating about the state of the world, but I realize it’s all a play, some perverse play, designed to make you “Look here” when you should be “looking there”.   What’s even more maddening, is all this cloak and dagger in the White House, trying to prove who’s dirty, who’s not. Who is a liar, who isn’t, it is just another game, an endless game and in the meantime, nothing meaningful or positive is being done.  I can’t believe we are actually paying people to play out the little scenarios.

Congress and the White House has become a giant soap opera, and unlike Watergate people are NOT glued to their sets, in fact, they could care less.  They are jaded, they’ve been lied to, one too many times.  At least I have. So I just go about my daily business and leave this BS behind.  I try and make my corner of the world a little kinder, more beautiful, nicer, one person at a time.


So, it’s 2019 and I’ve taken a little break from writing because the absurdity of the news has become so surreal I feel like I’ve really fallen down a rabbit hole. In a million years would we have someone like Trump in the White House? Rude, brash, abrasive and seemingly ignorant. A president who “tweets” out messages instead of writing internal memos? It seems like a very bad episode of The Simpsons or The Family Guy. The whole world is watching, “The Emperor Has No Clothes” instead in this case, the POTUS has no common sense, etiquette, class, intelligence, etc.  When is some little kid going to point it out? Isn’t that the next step in this big drama?

I watched the movie Broadcast News which was written in the late 90’s talking about the idea of “fake” news in a very vanilla sense when a reporter “fakes” a tear, something to create drama, theater. This seemed to be a pre-curser of what we have to deal with now every single day.  Instead of hearing about “real news’ I have to hear about the latest websites, the latest latte at Starbucks, insignificant issues that have little or no bearing on my life at all. It’s ironic this movie came out just before 911, the biggest story of the century and we still don’t have a meaningful dialogue about what really happened.

I hate that I have to swallow my pride and drive by “Todd Beamer High School” another invention and have to pretend that was real, a part of our “history”.  I keep waiting for someone or something to knock down the “fourth wall” and let us all in the joke. 1984 and fake history seems closer than ever.

What I do know, is someone is having a great laugh at our collective expense and we are supposed to buy it.



This sums it up nicely. You can sleep at night, more BS.

Just as my “gut” feeling told me that not was all as it should be in Sandy Hook, the same “gut” feeling persists here regarding the OSO landslide. It all neatly dovetails together, OSO strong..and now the mom just “grateful” her baby is dead? I’m not buying it. It sounds contrived. I’m sure the landslide happened, not sure that all the players were really affected, real mixed up with crisis actors? Half truths? Not sure what to think?

I am much calmer today, I feel euphoric, like I’ve discovered some brand new element in the universe that will solve all of our problems and bring world peace. Now that I know that the MSM is part of the manufacturing process of the “fake” news, it’s a relief. Before, I used have both fear and worry as part of my daily “meal” from the news, now that I know for the most part it’s bogus, it’s a relief.  I don’t have to waste my time trying to figure out if it’s real or not, I just have to consider the source. If it comes from the MSM, then it’s false, most of the time, propaganda meant to deceive and create a climate of fear and distrust.

The reason(s) why are still eluding me, but I think in general when I think of my reaction to these events, it’s because it creates fear and panic and mistrust in people. If you can get people to “fear” then you can control them, collectively.  You can make them do things, “for the bigger picture, for the better good”. 

For example, Sandy Hook was a desperate attempt to disarm the citizens, who would fear guns more than liberty, but that did not happen.  The Boston Marathon again is another attempt to try and get people from gathering together in order to celebrate or to create a culture of “fear” so that we would somehow expect to be “protected”.  Armed police going from house to house, martial law as a “natural state” rather than what it is, trying to change our ideals of what is “normal” American life. 

Collectively, we have to remember there is many more of “us” vs. “them” and we do have the power. The power is simple, do not allow fear to rule your life, stop listening to the propaganda on the MSM and realize your friends, your neighbors and your community is for the most part a safe place to live.

Buy a copy of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and memorize it. Remember what makes this country the best in the entire world, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Dear Readers,
I’m getting a little discouraged. Actually, I am getting very discouraged. I am having a harder and harder time trying to interpret the news and world events. It seems like there are two very distinct and very different paths that are emerging at the same time and are on a collision course.

The first, which is the mainstream media news, which we have all ready found is flawed, faulty, inconclusive reporting innuendo rather than fact. Once the blinders of blind faith in our institutions have been shattered, you can never look at things the same way again. I long for those simpler days when I would listen to the news at night and “sigh” oh, that is so sad, or be so very happy, if I heard some good news for a change, but now I am only wary, whether it is good or bad, from the right or left, from the mainstream or from alternate media. I won’t even pretend, I am confused.

The Boston Marathon story is another that has me puzzled, there seem to be as many conspiracy theories as the previous Sandy Hook, and yet it seems very disingenuous, there does not seem to be even a real attempt to try and explain this in the media. If there is a conspiracy and some kind of alternate universe where bad people are always plotting and planning bad things, then they really seem to be a very lazy bunch.

They don’t seem to care if they get caught at it, it’s more part of the same game, to alienate people from each other, the “truthers” from the mainstream sheeple, those who would just rather believe whatever they see on TV because I would imagine it’s just easier. It was easier for me, but now that my eyes and ears are open, it’s hopelessly hard.

For example, this picture of the Marathon Bomber’s wife, Katherine Russell. She seems to have a striking likeness to a very young Katherine Heigl. Katherine Russell At least in my opinion anyway, I checked with Katherine Heigl’s website, they said it wasn’t her, but still the likeness is uncanny to me. Katherine Heigl

Then there was the story about the Waco plant fertilizer and the EMT worker who was arrested for having his own stash of chemical fertilizer products for supposedly making bombs. OK, so I look at his picture, and think…ohh…now he looks familier, where have I seen him before? bryce reed texas paramedic Actually, he kind of looks like this guy, sans the great tan and lighting  but not really, it could be this this guy, below who has the same crooked smile or maybe a complication photo shop of both of them. The point being, it does not have to be a real person, since it is fake news. . . Chris O'Donnell Peter Saarsgard

But then I think, that can’t be…that’s just crazy! Or is it? Not sure anymore. They say we all have a twin somewhere in the world, but do we all have some evil twin in the world out there? So for every hunky Chris O’Donnell is there a wimpy EMT guy who looks just like him, who is accused of storing explosive materials?

For every terrorist’s wife, is there a famous actress, who has a picture perfect fairy-tale life instead? How perverse is that? It is just too weird to even contemplate, but I am forced to contemplate it because now the “cat is out of the bag” and I know that not everything we see or read or hear is true.

There is this very interesting site, called Well Aware 1 and this guy spends hours and hours finding look-a-likes that are in the news. Some look ‘spot-on” and well others i think are a very big stretch. But it does get me thinking.. and that’s all I can do. Think. Thank God for that.

sandyhook_dark_knight_rises_mapOK, so now that you know I am an official doubter of what I see and hear on the mainstream media, and also a doubter of those who publish and promote conspiracy theories, I have to ask a few questions. What does this silly map have to do with Sandy Hook, The Boston Marathon and/or other events that are yet to take place?

This is a map from the Dark Knight Rising Batman movie which some conspiracy theorists inferred that the map was somehow a precursor to the evil events ahead. The first strike zone was listed as “Sandy Hook” although it was said there was another name in a previous version of the map.

It’s interesting but unknown what the terms rally point and check point at the bottom left hand corner of the map means, but it’s interesting that those terms are used in marathons, aren’t they?

My concern, is the 2nd strike zone which is the Verzanno-Narrows Bridge on the map, but could really mean anything that has the word, “Narrows” in it? Will the coincidences continue with marathons, or with the word, “Narrows” or is this all just a horrible coincidence?

I’m not trying to make judgements, have a theory or even a meaning behind all this, just reporting these things as they appear, so those who do have opinions on this, can come to their own conclusions.
By the way, I seriously doubt anyone in the mainstream media is going to take any of this on. Don’t expect them to pick up and report on these coincidences.

OK, so now that you know that I am an official doubter, I have some doubts, I think I may be under some kind of surveillance, but can’t really prove it. It all started when I started to post my comments in blogs that had to do with the Sandy Hook Hoax, Conspiracy, etc…or just not known yet what is the truth of that event. Again, to reiterate, I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I am an official doubter, so much so, I started tweeting and asking why the main stream media and people like Anderson Cooper, were not looking into the many discrepancies of that day. It still irritates me. 

Then my Blackberry phone went out, or started to fritz out meaning that it would black out. I had been planning to update to a newer Android phone as well, so it did not really phase me when I went I ordered a new phone on line.  The first little clue, in that I might be under surveillance is that the order took longer than usual, and the phone seemed to take a detour before it was shipped me, as evidenced by the shipping manifest. But not to worry, why should I worry?  Still it was odd. Then the next odd thing that happened, is that of course, this was a new phone that I would have to get used to using. I had been blissfully happy with my Blackberry, not desiring all the new tools of the new android phones and everything was different, so there was a learning curve I will admit. 

 But the odd thing, is that this phone had somewhat of a mind of it’s own. It would have favorite radio stations, sports teams, etc. in another part of the country, it would be set to time zones that weren’t mine, and when near any kind of speakers, the speakers would buzz.  OK, so now the latest Colombo episode explained that phenomena to me last night, in that “bugs” can create electrical disturbances, so maybe, just maybe I was being “bugged”.  But why?

It seemed very unlikely to me, I don’t fit the profile, since I have a pretty normal and mundane life, that does not include anything of interest to anyone. Spying on me, would be like, well spying on “Truman” on the Truman Show.  Just an ordinary day of brushing teeth, going to work, talking with family, eating, working, driving and sleeping. Not a good use of government money, and I know they are short there. Someone in the spy department probably needs to be sequestered as well.

 I don’t even have any exceptional hobbies or interests that would make for good gossip.  So then, the question would have to be, am I slowly going insane here and becoming delusional, or is something actually happening?

I tried to exchange my phone, soon after I found out about it’s eccentricities but found out, that I could not simply exchange it at the phone store, for some reason I had to send it back, the way I got it and get another one on-line.  This was something new as well and not required as before.

I thought, well I better keep my eyes and ears open, and it seemed to me, as well I was being followed. It wasn’t anything I could put my finger on, except to say, I would notice an unmarked white van, dark windows in or near my perimeter area of driving, there might also be a black or red car, to change it up, but again nothing definitive, nothing that I could verify. I started to act erratically and take great pains to avoid being followed if I could, even I was only going to work, or the store or to a friend’s house.  I felt very silly, it was all so James Bond.

I noticed one other thing, as well that was strange about my phone and when I talked with a friend who actually had been under surveillance at one point in her life (due to her crazy ex-boyfriend), she explained, it might not be me at all, but perhaps people that I would or could possibly associate with on these “conspiracy” blogs. After all, who were these people anyway? They couldn’t all possibly be just mildly curious doubters like myself, they might have other interests and intentions. She advised me to stay away and that sounded like good advice.

And so I have, for the most part, I still have my opinions, but they are hardly radical, mostly I have just learned not to accept everything at face value anymore and keep my opinions to myself. If it sounds like a crazy story, then well, it just might be that, “a crazy story”. And if the facts come in, too fast and furious and the media tries to wrap it all up, like a great big present, I don’t have to buy it or open it.

Still, when you think about the “right to privacy” what exactly does that mean today? If you go to the 7-11 down the street, you probably were snapped at the light, by the camera above the light, and the surveillance cameras inside of the store. If you happen to pass someone on the street who is taking a picture with their phone, you could as easily get in their way, and become a part of the picture.  Your phone calls can be recorded, your car, if you have On-Star, your phone can work spying on you whether you are aware of it or not, and Facebook, lets the whole world what you are up to, unless you have privacy features who limit who can see that information. But all that privacy goes away if you are being spied on.

I am happy I live in a part of the world, where people actually care about privacy. When the city decided to have surveillance cameras in mostly a residential neighborhood for the good of “Homeland Security” and had purchased some “drones” there was an outcry. Not in our backyard. 

So, am I being spied on? Maybe? It’s hard to say, but I’m not going to lose sleep over it only because who ever “they” are, will come to the wise conclusion there better uses for their limited resources. I got myself a copy of 1984 and listened to in my car, with hope that whoever was listening in on me, might even feel a little bit ashamed of themselves for doing it. It also reminded me of how precious a commodity privacy can be. I guess, the bigger question is, are we “all” being spied on, in some fashion or another, and should we care?


I hate to say it, I wasn’t always this cynical. I didn’t grow up this way. In fact, I grew up in just the opposite way, in the age of Aquarius and enlightenment, we were supposed to transcend the old madness of warfare and learn a better way to live life. I wan’t exactly a hippie, but I sure wanted to be one. I grew up in the late 60’s and early 70’s and my dog days of summer were spent in cut-offs, with long blond hair, wearing my love beads and being a “Jesus Freak”. I had an innocent smile and was blissfully ignorant of the evils of life at that time. Love could conquer all, I thought. When the Vietnam war burned out with not a bang, but a fizzle, we all felt pretty confident, that life would go on, and only get better and better.

After all, we had women’s rights, minority rights, gay rights, civil rights, we were learning how to take care of our planet better and I grew up in the age of the development of the EPA and as well as EEOC and the NAACP and Sesame Street. Didn’t Ray Stevens sing to us, “Everyone is beautiful, in their own way”? Didn’t Sly and the Family Stone, tell us, “We’ve got to live together”? I believed it with my whole heart and soul.  I was taught, in my mostly white bread classrooms, if we all take care of the earth and each other, everything will be OK. I sang it in my church, “Morning has broken, like the first morning”. Today is the first day, of the rest of your life. This was our collective mantra.

Now, I am older, but still no wiser. I still am struggling with all the ambiguity of life, as I am sure many people are doing as well. I was too young to really understand the full impact of Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King assassinations, but the very fact, we had three assassinations so very close together in just 3 short years, in itself is a incredulous fact. The odds of that happening must be in the billions. Probably the same odds as two planes hitting the World Trade Centers and having both buildings crumble within minutes of each other, seemingly like a planned implosion. It seems too impossible, implausible to be true. Yet, I am supposed to believe it.

The very first chink in my armor of understanding of blind belief system was the Watergate hearings that led to the resignation of a US president, Richard Nixon. It was incredulous, the very idea, of being “dishonest” was enough to make a “President of the United States of America”, resign in defeat. If that happened today, would we even hear about it or would it become another “blip” on the radar screen of public opinion? At that time, it was shocking, yet years later we have become rather blase about presidential indiscretions,and our open and supposedly “free” press, has become yet another “fake” reality TV series.

The second disenchantment came with the oil crisis, which paradoxically happened at the same time. The riveting news story of Watergate somehow took our attention away from the fact that our money was being drained out of wallets with long, long gas lines. Yet again, we see this happening today. While the media assures us things are getting better because Obama Bin Laden is dead, at the same time we are being robbed blind by the corporate oil and banking barons. The old feeling of mistrust persists. The body quietly disposed at sea, much in the same way, President Kennedy’s assassin was murdered before the facts could be analyzed or known. Whenever you have the evidence “disappear” you have to wonder. The bodies quietly taken away in the middle of the night, the cabin in the woods that of course, caught fire and destroyed all the evidence. Again, when evidence disappears, it seems too implausible, too impossible to be true. I hear they are going to be demolishing the Sandy Hook Elementary School. I’m not surprised, it’s evidence of what did or did not happen that day.

I have to wonder, if it was so difficult to get to Bin Laden, how could it be so easy to remove his dead body and bury it at sea? I do know one thing, and one thing, only. After all this time, the industrial military complex would want us to still believe, that war is the still the answer, but I stopped believing in war, a very long long time ago. As John Lennon would say, if he were stll here, “All we are saying, is give peace a chance.”

So when I heard about Sandy Hook, the story did not sit right with me, yet again. The “BS” meter went off inside of me. Too many inconsistances, too many different stories, or really no story at all? Unlike the news that I heard growing up, there had to be fact-checking, and double fact-checking before anything was put on the air. We would hear terms, ” pending investigation” vs. the name of the shooter within 10 minutes of the actual event.  I’ll admit we have become a “fast food nation” and I’ll blame it on McDonald’s and computers. This is a day and age of instant gratifications, to our own detriment. We need to be patient and take time to really gather and digest all the facts. I am far from a conspiracy theorist, but at the same time, I don’t believe everything the mainstream media says anymore, and I would venture to guess that I am not alone.

So when I hear or see something that just does not make sense, or is preposperous, or just plain illogical, I just to have to start asking questions. The questions I ask, would be the ones I would expect investigative journalists to ask, but that does not seem to exist anymore. But where are the hard investigative journalists? They have become extinct, like the dinosaur and replaced with celebrity status.

My lack of trust, comes back to me from my childhood, and how we were raised to never trust anyone over 30.  If I hear a news story, I need to see the evidence, I need to know the facts can be verified from more than one source. In this day and age of green-screens, movie studio effects and special effects, it’s hard to know what is real anymore. And not knowing, can make you seem and feel a little crazy.

So when you can’t know the facts, because they change all the time, or the facts are covered up or destroyed, then you then have to ask a simpler question, Who benefits and/or what is the REAL story that you are being distracted from thinking about?

Who benefited from JFK’s assassination? The obivious choice would be Lynden Johnson and the industrial military complex who wanted to keep the Vietnam War going. After all, it happened in TX, in LBJ’s own stomping grounds where he would have the best control over the outcome, it was more than likley a military coup? I mean, even before JFK was technically “cold”, his dead body still warm, LBJ was being sworn in as President in an airplane. What about 911? Who benefits? Did the Bush family with their connections to the Osama Bin Laden family? How about Dick Cheney, with his relationship with Halliburton? Haliburton and others cleaned up big during the war in Afganistan and made a ton of money. What laws were passed then, The Patriot Act, and others designed to strip away American rights?

What about Sandy Hook? Who could possibly benefit from something like horrific like that? Apparently, after Sandy Hook more weapons and ammo have been sold than ever before, so much so, there appears to be a nationwide shortage? Is that a coincindence or part of a plan? What about the shifting paradiagm that is creating a police state before our very eyes? The mainstream media that is creating a culture of “fear, panic, and distrust”? Who could possibly benefit from that? Spy cameras going up in every major city, drones to be deployed, fake FEMA drills guaranteed to create disorder and panic? Who will benefit from that?

You might count me as a conspiracy theorist, but I’d rather say that I am just an official doubter. I doubt any of the above happened the way it was explained by the mainstream media. I doubt that this post will even see the light of day. Why because it is not “sanctioned” either way. It’s ok to be a “tin-foil” hat wearer and claim some outrageous theory that can be ridiculed (i.e. the aliens did it) vs. just to be skeptical and doubt the “official story”.

There are those who are put out there just to be ridiculed, to take our eye off the ball, of what is really happening which is a slow stripping away of our freedoms, our bill of rights and our constitution. Those Gen X and Milleneums who are still listening to the “mainstream”, will eventually be disillusioned, but then you have a whole generation of boomers just like myself who are well over 30, and who were raised not to trust, and quite frankly, we just don’t believe it anymore. So to those who are spinning the stories and wagging the dog, good luck with that.